

My name is Aayla! I am first and foremost, a woman, married to a strong partner who has helped me bring two wildlings into this world. When I’m not being a stay at home mum, I run a meditation studio The Sacred Grove Studio, partner in a private practice, and host a podcast The Northern Feminine with two amazing women. You can always find me barefooted in the garden elbow deep in dirt, wrestling littles, or reading a book.

I hope that you find something you like here, that you kick back, take a sip, and enjoy!

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What lies behind your mask as you lay alone in the dark? Who are you, beneath the weight of expectations? If I were to come to you, wipe your features away, until you were just light and vibration, who are you? Can you remember? The feel of your Soul?When the wind blows and rattles your … Continue reading Darri


What is it about the whispering of the wind through the dark trees that frightens you? Why do you run from the shadows and noises in the dark? Is it because you’re afraid of harm? Or afraid of learning what part of you resides in the shadows? When you scurry away from the dusk, huddling … Continue reading Shadows

Painful Awakenings

Aging is funny, in its own little way. It sneaks messages and lessons in a way you might not notice at first, and then one quiet night you whisper, “Fuck, that’s what that is!” That describes to the T the past 3 years. A lot happens in three years. I became a mother, got pregnant … Continue reading Painful Awakenings

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